Negotiating the Digital Labyrinth Series: 5 Non-Obvious Factors for Technology Decisions That Set Leaders Apart

Embarking on the intricate journey of technology decisions, contemporary businesses often find themselves entwined in a digital labyrinth. Leaders, to truly carve a niche, require more than mere best practices; they need unconventional insights and a knack for evaluating emerging tech, managing data, and driving adoption with a fresh perspective. This guide unfolds 5 non-obvious factors revealed by tech leaders that will empower you to master technology decisions.

Factor 1: The Virtue of Patience: Small Pilots Triumph Over Rapid, Sweeping Changes

Conventional wisdom advocates for swift technology implementation to secure a competitive advantage. However, a more deliberate, iterative approach frequently yields better outcomes. A McKinsey study revealed that 70% of large-scale change programs don’t achieve their stated goals, often stumbling over hurdles like inadequate employee engagement and lack of management support. Eric Tanner of BeCloud advocates for starting with small proof-of-concept projects, especially when exploring modern technologies like serverless computing and AI, to ground learning in real business scenarios without high stakes.

Small Pilots: A Pragmatic Approach to Technology Adoption

Initiating with miniature pilots when possible allows for testing new technologies in controlled environments prior to a wider deployment, enabling data collection, system refinement, and gradual user acclimation. While quick wins might be tempting, enduring success usually stems from a measured, phased adoption strategy.

Factor 2: The Outsider’s Perspective: Balancing Internal Biases with External Insights

Relying solely on internal teams for technology decisions is a common practice among leaders. Nonetheless, the insights from external advisors can be invaluable, offering perspectives that internal teams might miss due to their proximity. Sheila Willis sales executive at BeCloud highlights that external experts bring objectivity, identifying blind spots and suggesting solutions that might be overlooked internally.

Leveraging External Expertise for Informed Technology Decisions

Incorporating unbiased recommendations from third-party specialists allows leaders to reevaluate assumptions and pinpoint overlooked risks or opportunities, ensuring balanced and well-rounded decisions.

Factor 3: Breaking the Mold: Innovation Through Defying Norms

While best practices offer a solid foundation, significant technology advancements often occur when leaders dare to defy industry norms. Jeff Bezos, in his renowned Day 1 philosophy, emphasizes customer obsession, embracing external trends, and high-velocity decision making, underscoring the necessity of maintaining a startup mentality to drive continuous innovation.

The Art of Defying Norms to Unlock Technological Innovations

Challenging established operational methods can unveil opportunities that redefine your technological trajectory and set you apart in the digital landscape.

Factor 4: Beyond Analytics: The Imperative of Human-Centric Decisions

In an era dominated by data, technology decisions can often lean heavily on analytics. However, the significance of the human element cannot be understated. James Phipps, CEO of BeCloud, argues that considering user needs, emotions, and preferences is pivotal for technology adoption since numbers alone cannot provide a comprehensive picture.

Prioritizing Empathy in Technology Decision-Making

Ensuring technology decisions are empathetic and considerate of human experiences and needs is crucial in crafting effective change management strategies and ensuring successful technology adoption.

Factor 5: Weigh the Total Cost: The Pragmatic Approach to Technology Investements

In the realm of technology decisions, a common pitfall for leaders is to focus predominantly on the initial costs of technology adoption. However, a more holistic and financially savvy approach involves considering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and the value that a solution brings to the organization over its lifecycle.

Value Proposition: Balancing Costs with Organizational Impact

While understanding TCO is crucial, it's equally important to weigh it against the value that a technology solution brings to the organization. This involves considering factors like improved efficiency, enhanced customer experiences, increased employee productivity, and any other tangible or intangible benefits that align with organizational goals.


Navigating through the ever-evolving technology landscape presents leaders with a myriad of challenges and opportunities. To successfully traverse it, leaders must not only adhere to best practices but also embrace fresh, sometimes counterintuitive, perspectives that challenge existing assumptions. By valuing a measured approach to adoption, external insights, innovative thinking, human experiences, and diverse input, leaders can successfully navigate through the digital maze, unlocking the full disruptive potential of technology.

Embark on your journey with BeCloud, where we intersect the latest cloud technologies with real-world business needs, offering unconventional yet practical insights on everything from legacy modernization to cloud adoption.

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James Phipps 8 October, 2023
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